New and Old Wars, New and Old Challenges to Peace!


Location: 215/216 McKenna Hall and Livestreamed

Ukraine and a new Cold War, a new nuclear arms race, “forever wars” in Afghanistan and Iraq, and forgotten wars in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Yemen. As foreign policies are being rethought in light of these new and old wars, the need for a moral compass is as great as ever.

At the height of the Cold War, two seminal documents, Pacem in terris (1963) and The Challenge of Peace (1983), provided that moral compass. In a similar way, Pope Francis’ encyclicals and statements have ignited a new debate about the ethics of nonviolence, nuclear deterrence, and war. Are nonviolence and nuclear disarmament the new moral and policy imperatives or do today’s new and old challenges to peace reinforce the need for the just war tradition and strengthened nuclear deterrence?

Join us for an inspiring talk by Cardinal Robert W. McElroy, followed by a panel discussion. 

Details about the event livestream will be added soon. A reception will follow the event for in-person attendees. 

Cardinal McElroy will also be presiding at the 11:30 am Mass in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart on March 1 for those who are interested in attending.

More information available here