Colloquia and Reading Groups

Students engage in conversation during a trip to Bosnia.

Religion and Global Politics Working Group

The Religion and Global Politics Working Group brings together scholars in the ABD or early career stage who research both religion’s impact on politics as well as the way politics shapes religion and religious experience. Current members conduct research on religion historically, sociologically, and theologically as well as its impact on contemporary discourse and policy-making. Special emphasis is given to how interdisciplinary and comparative work can translate to society-wide conversations about religion and global politics.

For more information, please contact Melicia Antonio ( or Khan Shairani (

Multifaith Integral Human Development Colloquium

This colloquium aims to explore how various religious and spiritual traditions would approach the concepts and values of integral human development (IHD). While the concept of IHD originated in Catholic social teaching, its framing is universal and advocates believe that it can be applied in many contexts.

In an effort to explore these possibilities, the colloquium will bring in practitioners, scholars, and experts from various traditions to discuss how their belief systems inform humanitarian, peacebuilding, and development theory and practice. The goal of the colloquium is for participants to draw connections and expand IHD beyond its Catholic roots to become a truly global framework.

For more information, please contact Charles Powell at

Supported by the Ansari Institute for Global Engagement with Religion and the Nanovic Institute for European Studies.

Past Working Groups, Reading Groups, and Colloquia

Theology and Ethnography Reading Group

This reading group brought together graduate students, recent graduates, and faculty who do theological research using qualitative methods such as participant observation, interviews, and focus groups. The goals of the group were: (1) to facilitate networking and mutual support among those engaged in theological fieldwork; (2) to create opportunities to engage one another’s work and address common concerns; and (3) to foster the development of ethnographic theological research at the University of Notre Dame. For more information about this past reading ground contact Ken Amadi (

Feminist Theologies in Global Context Colloquium

This colloquium provided a space to discuss Islamic and Christian theologies in their own terms and in dialogue with each other. It emphasized voices that have typically been marginalized in theological discourse. For more information about this past colloquium please contact Lailatul Fitriyah at or Marie-Claire Klassen at