2021 Religious Liberty Summit: ‘The Politics of Vulnerability’ by Asma T. Uddin


Location: Livestream on YouTube

Asma T. Uddin

A panel of experts will discuss Asma T. Uddin's book, The Politics of Vulnerability: How to Heal Muslim-Christian Relations in a Post-Christian America, at the Notre Dame Religious Liberty Summit. Uddin is the inaugural recipient of an award that the Law School’s Religious Liberty Initiative will present annually to honor a recent work of scholarship on religious liberty.

Panelists include:

  • Professor Mahan Mirza, University of Notre Dame
  • Professor Stephanie Barclay, Notre Dame Law School
  • Ms. Asma T. Uddin, Religious Liberty Attorney & Scholar
  • Ms. Emma Green, The Atlantic

This discussion is co-sponsored by the Notre Dame Law School and the Ansari Institute for Global Engagement with Religion.

Watch the livestream on ND Law’s YouTube.

The Notre Dame Religious Liberty Summit will be an annual gathering of the foremost thought leaders on religious liberty. The summit will stimulate engaging conversations between scholars, advocates, and religious leaders about the future of religious liberty in the United States and around the world.

Originally published at law.nd.edu.