Theologies for Transformation and Actions for Justice


Location: Zoom Webinar


Join Interfaith Action, a southwest Michigan peace and justice collaborative, for the next session in a new social justice conversation series.

This next conversation on February 10 will include a review of Interfaith Action’s 10 interfaith principles with feedback from panelists, including Dr. Timothy Matovina, chair of the University of Notre Dame' s Department of Theology (commenting from a Latinx-Liberation theological perspective); Rev. Dr. Hugh R. Page, Jr., professor of theology at the University of Notre Dame (commenting from a Black theology perspective); and Rev. Dr. Jay Johnson, rector at All Saints Episcopal Church in Saugatuck, Michigan (commenting from a queer theology perspective). 

The 10 interfaith principles are based on a months-long study of Pope Francis' 2020 encyclical Fratelli Tutti (on fraternity and social friendship). For more information, please contact Fr. Sid Mohn at

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