Articulating a Jewish Solidarity with Palestine: Antisemitism, Antiracism and Palestinian Rights


Location: 1030 Jenkins Nanovic Halls



Discussion with Lesley Williams

Jewishsolidarity 700

It is commonly believed that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is as old as Isaac and Ishmael. But what if that isn't true? What if you learned that the conflict is a legacy of European colonialism and that many Jews express solidarity with Palestinians? Join Lesley Williams who will talk about this legacy, her activism, and how specific definitions of antisemitism effect this work. Williams is a member of the coordinating committee for Jewish Voice for Peace in Chicago, the advisory board and Speakers Bureau for Jews Against Anti-Muslim Racism, and a founding member of Tzedek Chicago, a non-Zionist, pro social justice synagogue in Chicago. She has twice visited the West Bank with the Center for Jewish Nonviolence for solidarity work and resistance with Palestinian and Israeli peace activists, and is on CJNV’s Strategy and Values planning team. She has spoken on Islamophobia, antisemitism and Zionism on various panels and conferences. 

Co-sponsored by the Ansari Institute and Student Voices for Palestine with support from Contending Modernities