Abrahamic Family Fireside Chat


Location: Coleman-Morse Lounge (View on map.nd.edu)

Abrahamic Family Fireside Chat

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are known as the “Abrahamic Family” of faiths. They are typically taught together as the world’s major monotheistic traditions. They are also considered “Western” because of the deep entanglement of their theologies with Hellenistic philosophy. Join three faculty members—Jewish, Christian, and Muslim—for an informal yet engaged fireside chat about all things: religion & theology, love & war, family & global politics.

This is a time of deep conflict and tension. Universities must be places for dialogue across our many differences. The format for our conversation will be open Q/A and discussion. There will be no prepared remarks. We will not attempt to present a single vision of theology and politics. As scholars and believers, our hope is to welcome you to a space where we can both agree and disagree, but above all, where we can be together and breathe together.

Featured Speakers:



Mahan Mirza
Executive Director, Ansari Institute for Global Engagement with Religion




Charles Powell

Charles Powell
Adjunct Faculty for Multifaith Engagement, Ansari Institute for Global Engagement with Religion




Michael Novick

Michael Novick
Abrams Jewish Thought and Culture Professor of Theology